Welcome! Below you will see all of our current opportunities. 


  • You will need to create a free Submittable account in order to submit to these forms. Here is a quick guide on how to get started: https://submittable.help/submitters/making-new-submissions/how-do-i-submit 
  • You can save a draft of your work if you would like to finish filling out the form at a later date. 
  • We will follow-up with you about your submission by email. Please be sure the email address you used to sign up for your Submittable Account is one that you check regularly. 
  • We recommend copying questions from the Submittable form and pasting them into an editable document (Google Doc, MS Word, etc.) Use this editable document as your working draft. Once the form has been submitted, you will need special permission to make edits. 

Thank you for your interest in applying for a Park City Education Foundation (PCEF) grant. Please review the following information before completing a grant application to ensure you understand the eligibility requirements, expectations, and restrictions. Do not hesitate to contact PCEF staff with questions.

Express Grants are intended to be one-time funding requests to support immediate or unanticipated needs. 

  • The maximum amount for an Express Grant award is $1,000. 
  • Applications are accepted and reviewed on an ongoing basis as long as funds are available. 
  • Awards will be announced within 5-business days of the application’s submission with an email notification. 
  • Funds will be available within 48-hours of the award announcement.

Eligibility Requirements 

Programs must meet PCEF's mission and vision: 

  • Mission:  fund and support educator-powered initiatives that inspire all Park City students to reach their academic and lifelong potential.
  • Vision:  help launch well-prepared, curiosity-driven, creative problem solvers who are ready to meet tomorrow’s challenges.

Programs cannot be in conflict with programs previously or currently funded by PCEF. 

Applicants must complete their due diligence prior to submitting a grant application.

Programs must align and comply with the Park City School District’s policies, including but not limited to  PCSD mission and vision,  Idea Process, procurement, staffing/contracts, and technology. 

Applications must have approval by the applicant’s supervisor (administrator, director, etc.) Please have your supervisor approve prior to submitting an application. You will be required to show documentation of approval in your application.

Applications for previously funded programs, projects, or needs, will not be accepted. If the applicant has received Express Grant funding for this program or project, they are not eligible to apply.


All communications (including award and decline notifications) will be conducted via email through the Submittable system. 

Please make sure you check your email regularly for award or decline notifications. If you do not hear from PCEF within 72-hours of submission, please contact Cynthia Mellin cmellin@pcschools.us

Funding Term

The funding term for the grant is the 2024-25 school year. The funds expire on June 6, 2025. The intent is to fund programs that benefit students during the school year for which the grant was funded.  

Any unused funds will be forfeited unless arrangements have been made with PCEF Program Staff prior to the end of the school year. 

Keep in mind that the grant award is the amount that PCEF will contribute to your program/project. Please don’t go over budget!

It is expected that the funds will start being used within 30-days of receiving the award notification.  

Express Grant funds are not unlimited. PCEF has a finite amount available. If you decide to not spend the award, please let PCEF Program Staff know ASAP so the funds can be redistributed.

If Awarded Funding, Grantees Agree to the Following:

Submit program documentation: photos, quotes, and/or videos for their respective programs. PCEF may share these in communications to help raise funds and awareness of the work we support.

Acknowledge PCEF support of the program. Responsibility of the Program Manager. 

Include the PCEF Logo on all marketing and promotional materials for their program.

Share that PCEF funded the program in any written or verbal communications, including emails to parents. This also includes any media appearances or articles about your program. 

Grant award funds must go through the District financial system (MUNIS). Any funding requests must be aligned with District policy and procedures.

Items purchased with PCEF funds will remain at the school for which the funding was awarded if the educator leaves that school, items are the property of the school, not the educator.

Funding Restrictions. PCEF Grant Awards Do Not Fund:

Programs, projects, needs that have been previously funded by an Express Grant award. 

Stipends for teachers for work inside their own classroom during contracted school hours.

Reimbursement for materials, supplies, or services already purchased.

Work visas or the visa renewal process.

Speaker gifts.

Capital and furniture items generally funded by the district (unless the budget item has been formally requested and turned down by the district.)

School Book Fairs, including vouchers.

Another organization's program. The program idea must be the PCSD employee’s idea and not another organization’s program. PCEF cannot fund another organization’s program. 

 PBIS incentives for individual classrooms, educators, teaching teams, or departments. Only requests for schoolwide PBIS incentive programs will be funded.  

  • Maximum award amounts include Classroom Grant awards.
  • The maximum award amount for elementary school requests is $1,000 per school for the  school year. 
  • The maximum award amount for secondary school requests is $2,000 per school for the requested school year.
  • Express Grant applications for additional amounts will not be accepted.

Possible Additional Funding

To increase the amount available to distribute through PCEF Granting programs, PCEF may approach donors to invite them to co-fund a limited number of grants. Applicants should be aware that their application may be shared by PCEF with these donors. Any applicant not wishing to have their information shared should contact Kara Cody at kcody@pcschools.us.

For any questions or concerns, please contact:

Kara Cody, PCEF VP of Programs  kcody@pcschools.us or (435) 800-2956

Cynthia Mellin, PCEF Operations & Office Manager, cmellin@pcschools.us or (435) 200-8883


Thank you for your interest in applying for a Park City Education Foundation (PCEF) grant. Please review the following information before completing a grant application to ensure you understand the eligibility requirements, expectations, and restrictions. Do not hesitate to contact PCEF staff with questions.

Application Deadline: April 1, 2025.

  • Late and incomplete applications will not be considered.

Maximum Award Amount is $25,000

  • Award amounts may be for the full amount or partial amount requested.

Classroom Grant Background & Purpose:

The #1 Indicator of Student Success is the Classroom Teacher. PCEF Classroom Grants fund grassroots, educator ideas. If an educator has an idea on how to better help their students learn, PCEF grant funding can make the idea a reality. Each year, PCSD educators and administrators request funding for creative, unique, life-changing classroom, grade level, or school programs.

PCEF is committed to including diverse voices in our programs and organization. We want to ensure that our Grant Committee mirrors our school community and includes members of diverse racial, socio-economic, gender, and other backgrounds. In addition, utilize a participatory granting process that includes those directly impacted by our grant funding decisions - educators and students. The Committee plays a vital role in deciding how and where to invest PCEF resources. 

Applicant Eligibility Requirements and Expectations: 

Applicants must complete their due diligence prior to submitting a grant application.

Programs must meet PCEF's mission and vision: 

  • Mission:  fund and support educator-powered initiatives that inspire all Park City students to reach their academic and lifelong potential.                    
  • Vision: help launch well-prepared, curiosity-driven, creative problem solvers who are ready to meet tomorrow’s challenges. 

Programs cannot be in conflict with programs previously or currently funded by PCEF. 

Programs must align and comply with the Park City School District’s mission and vision,  strategic plan, and policies, including but not limited to Idea Process, procurement, staffing/contracts, and technology.    

  • Park City School District Idea Process - must complete a PCSD Idea Plan prior to submitting an application.
  • Procurement - do NOT reference a specific product or vendor in your application.
  • Technology - consult your school ETS to determine if items included in your application can be supported by PCSD. You will also need to complete the Idea Plan if the technology is not on the approved list.

Proposals must be written and requested by a PCSD employee - faculty, administrators, or staff.    

  •  The program idea must be the PCSD employee’s idea and not another organization’s program. PCEF cannot solely fund another organization’s program. 
  • The PCSD applicant must demonstrate a true need for the program. 
  • No duplication of services within a building, school, or site.       

Applications must have approval by the applicant’s supervisor (administrator, director, etc.) 

  •  Applicants must provide documentation that they have approval from their supervisor.
  • Why is PCEF requiring this? We want to ensure that school budgets are utilized when possible. Your principal knows if there is school funding to support your request. PCEF should be asked if school or other budgets are not available. Our funding is not unlimited and we want to support what cannot be funded through public funding. 

All grant applications and supporting documentation must be submitted through PCEF’s grant management portal (Submittable). Applicants will create an account in order to submit an application. Applications will only be accepted via the grant management system.

All grant application communications (including award and decline notifications) will be conducted by email through the Submittable system.

Please make sure you check your email in late May regarding award or decline communication.

If you have not heard from PCEF prior to the last day of school, contact Program Staff (information is listed at bottom of guidelines).

Budget and Funding Term:

All applications are required to include a budget. 

The budget should be reasonable and take into account unanticipated cost increases.

  • For salary or Special Assignment Contracts (SAC) requests, don’t forget to include Taxes: 8.25% and URS/Retirement: 23.69%
  • If you are awarded funds, your program costs must stay within the budget submitted, unless you have additional funding sources.

Funds will be available at the start of the new fiscal year (July / August 2025).

The funding term for the grant is the 2025-26 school year. The funds will expire on June 30. The intent is to fund programs that benefit students during the school year for which the grant was funded. 

Any unused funds will be forfeited unless arrangements have been made with PCEF Program Staff prior to the end of the school year.                                                                                                                              

Keep in mind that the grant award is the amount that PCEF will contribute to your program/project. Please keep track of your expenses and don’t go over budget!

If Awarded Funding, Grantees Agree to the Following:

Programs must have at least one Program Manager.  

  • A Program Manager is a PCSD employee who is responsible for the grant budget, program implementation, and ultimately the success of the program. 
  • If the applicant is not the Program Manager, then the Program Manager must be listed in the application. 

Submit program documentation: photos, quotes, and/or videos for their respective programs. 

Complete a report, assessment, or survey based on the amount awarded and as requested. 

  • Previous grant recipients re-applying for grant funding must have completed the previous year's assessment or report to be considered for renewed funding.

Acknowledge PCEF support of the program. Responsibility of the Program Manger. 

  • Include the PCEF Logo on all marketing and promotional materials for their program. 
  • Share that PCEF funded the program in any written or verbal communications, including emails to parents. This also includes any media appearances or articles about your program.  
  • PCEF Recognition Gallery (Ideas on how you can recognize PCEF support.) 

Grant award funds must go through the District financial system (MUNIS). Any funding requests must be aligned with District policies and procedures.

Items purchased with PCEF funds will remain at the school for which the funding was awarded if the teacher leaves that school. Items are the property of the school, not the teacher.

Funding Restrictions. PCEF Grants Do Not Fund:

Stipends for teachers for work inside their own classroom during regular school  or contract hours.

Reimbursement for materials/programs already purchased.

Work visas or the visa renewal process.

Speaker gifts.

Capital and furniture items generally funded by the district, unless the budget item has been formally requested and turned down by the district.

School PTO/A programs, including school book fair vouchers.

*NEW* Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) incentives / rewards / prizes for individual classrooms, educators, teaching teams, or departments. Each school will automatically be granted funding for the 2025-26 school year. PCEF will work with school principals to award the funding. 

  • Elementary schools will receive $1,000 per school for the  school year. 
  • Secondary schools will receive $2,500 per school for the school year. PCLC will receive $2,000.
  • Express Grant applications for additional PBIS funding will not be accepted.       

Possible Additional Funding

To increase the amount available to distribute through PCEF Granting programs, PCEF may approach donors to invite them to co-fund a limited number of grants. Applicants should be aware that their application may be shared by PCEF with these donors. Any applicant not wishing to have their information shared should contact Kara Cody at kcody@pcschools.us.

Helpful Resources

PCEF Grant Timeline and Process (click link and review!)


SMART Metrics for Outcomes(click link and review!)

Need assistance with your grant application

Kara Cody, PCEF Programs Director, kcody@pcschools.us 

Cynthia Mellin, PCEF Operations & Office Manager, cmellin@pcschools.us 

Park City Education Foundation